In September 2024, western North Carolina experienced what has been described as a once-in-a-100 (to some once-in-1000) year storm. Hurricane Helene hit our region causing flooding, tornados, high winds, landslides, and devastation. In the weeks and months following the storm, questions emerged about what just happened, why it happened, and what we could do to keep such an impact from happening again. Long thought a haven from intense weather, this region faced a wake-up call as the storm in September revealed how powerful nature can be, no matter where you live.
The goals of GEAR UP Appalachia are to prepare our students for their opportunities and next steps as they graduate and head on to their next stage of life: furthering education, joining the workforce, enlisting in our nation’s military, or embarking on their own entrepreneurial journey. We want students in our region to be thinking about how they can give back to the area that they call home. To address both the impact of the storm and the potential student opportunities, GEAR UP Appalachia, in partnership with Institutions of Higher Education in western North Carolina offered two Science of the Storm sessions. Dr. Eric Klein, formerly GEAR UP Coordinator at UNC-Asheville, and colleagues Lacey Kilby and Debra Joseph, GEAR UP Coordinators at Wilkes Community College and Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech), worked to provide a meaningful and impactful experience for students.
On March 4th, Wilkes Community College hosted high school students from Alleghany County Schools, Ashe County Schools, and Wilkes County Schools. To start the day, Dr. Shea Tuberty of Appalachian State University presented a session on “What Just Happened?” detailing the science behind weather and the impacts to our environment. Dr. Tuberty, an avid fisherman and self-described river hound, provided real-world examples from rivers and streams that the students themselves frequented. The impact of the storm was felt differently in the counties represented, and Dr. Tuberty helped students to see how storm damage upstream results in impacts to local streams and rivers further down. Following Dr. Tubery’s presentation, the owners of RiverGirl Fishing, Kelly McCoy and Renata Dos Santos, shared their experience organizing efforts to support the community of Todd, NC in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Watching a short documentary film, We Begin Again at 9:30 by Appalachian State faculty member Dr. Beth Davison, and having a question and answer session with Kelly McCoy and Renata Dos Santos, students learned how communities and local businesses rallied around one another to provide support to one another in times of struggle.
After lunch, students traveled around the Wilkes Community College campus to engage with representatives from Wilkes Soil and Water to engage in interactive activities detailing how water impacts local flora, fauna, and topography. Students learned about drone technology to assess damage and conduct search and rescue operations, farming and agricultural techniques, elevation changes and water impact on landslides, and a virtual reality simulation on the steps necessary for the electrical grid to keep the lights on and restore power. Students left the day talking about careers available through pathways at Wilkes Community College and other institutions that would allow them the chance to support their community as they progress through their own educational journey.
On March 18th, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, in partnership with UNC-Asheville, hosted students from Graham County Schools, Madison County Schools, Swain County Schools, and Yancey County Schools. Faculty from UNC-Asheville began the day discussing “what just happened” with presentations by Dr. Casey King, detailing the climatology of our region, and Ms. Ashley Case, highlighting the ecology along our rivers and streams and the impact of the storm on those environments. Mr. Pete Kennedy, of A-B Tech, presented on Geographic Imaging Systems and the data available to anyone interested in learning more about predicting storm impact, frequency, and tracking efforts for recovery. Following these sessions, students toured A-B Tech and learned more about opportunities available and experienced a session facilitated by current UNCA students in Ms. Case’s course. Provided a map of a geographical region with rivers, students used LEGO to design a resilient community from the ground up. UNCA students from several potential majors shared about available careers in their pathway related to the impact of the storm. Educators from partner school districts engaged in a conversation about how to offer and fund innovative science lessons in their schools and districts.
Across two community colleges and seven school districts, students were presented with an opportunity to consider the impact of Hurricane Helene and discuss hopeful and positive solutions for the future. Students left the Science of the Storm events with questions about their own future pathways and how they could impact their local communities now, as teenagers, and in the future when they enter the workforce.
One student in attendance said, “I think the experience of getting to go to WCC and learn about the science behind storms was a very educational and valuable experience, and should be something that happens for future classes at NWHS as well.”
Another student remarked, “I enjoyed this experience and hope that more are offered to me in the future.”
A teacher in attendance said of the event, “The program was well structured, offered a good variety, from guest speakers, documentary, to the rotation of activities and connection with community. The timeframe of the day was just right… The VR [virtual reality] careers tool is a great idea! I am excited that other thematic days might be offered.”